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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School

Middle School

In Middle School you will develop your understanding of careers through PSHE, project weeks and your wider curriculum areas. In Middle School we are beginning to prepare you for your Year 9 reviews where ‘Preparation for Adulthood’ outcomes will be discussed/ agreed. You will have opportunities for workplace visits which we hope will help to raise/ inform interests and aspirations and engagement in work. We will help you to understand the different employment pathways available to you in the future; this will include personal careers guidance from Year 9.

By the end of Middle School, you will have:

  • Explored careers and the world of work through your PSHE curriculum.
  • Attended a 1:1 interview with the school’s Careers’ Leader before you pick your options (Year 9)
  • Attended an options event
  • Meet with your link CSW Careers Development Consultant
  • Learnt about stereotypes in the work place. 
  • Had a Transition Review (Year 9) to update your EHCP. Your careers aspirations will be recorded at the meeting
  • Taken part in at least two enterprise projects.
  • Had encounters with employers and employees (at least 3).
  • Experienced at least one work place visit a year.

By the end of Middle School, you will be able to:

  • Recognise your personal qualities and skills
  • Recognise the different skills you are developing in each curriculum area
  • Have an idea of what jobs/ careers you are interested.
  • Understand which option choices will help you to reach your goals.
  • Think about what you might like to do when you leave Lampard Community School.
  • Make links between the subjects you learn and careers in these areas.

Careers Activities in Middle School 21/22



Gatsby Benchmark

Project Week Autumn Term

Project week: Enterprise- Christmas Market



Author visits from Appledore Book Festival to deliver writing workshops

5, 6

Autumn 1

PSHE: Who I am Achievements and success. Shared responsibilities



Future Fridays


November 1st

The Finn Collinson Band Performance in School with Q and A

4, 5


Plastic Free North Devon session in school with Q and A


November 22nd

Theatre Alibi Visit- Stand Up and Boogie Performance with Q & A

4, 5


Visits to the Straw Patch Project

4, 6

Nov- December

Year 9 Preparation for Adulthood Meetings (1:1)

3, 8

December and January

Transition review of EHCP for Year 9


Project Week Spring Term

Project week: TBC

4, 5

7th – 12th March

National Careers Week Activities

2, 4, 5,

11th March

Careers Assembly for National Careers Week

2, 4, 5

Spring Term

Year 9 meeting with CSW Carers Consultant and Careers Leader ahead of options event.

3, 8


Year 9 Options Assembly

3, 4

March 14th

Year 9 and 10 Options Event

3, 4


Post 16 Pathways event for students and parents

2, 3, 7

Summer Term

Careers Guidance Year 7 and 8

3, 8

Summer Term

Careers Interventions Year 9



World of Work Day

4, 5, 6

Project Week Summer Term

Project week: TBC

2, 3

July 20th 2022

Futures Event: Post 16 Pathways event for students and parents

2, 3, 7

Janet The Astronaut from Theatre Alibi