Made Well Farm Visit
The students in Otters enjoyed extending their topic learning by visiting Made Well farm
The students in Otters enjoyed extending their topic learning by visiting Made Well farm. They all had a ride on the tractor and helped harvest the different root vegetables.
Some students tried carrots and Kale. Inside the polytunnels the students discovered peppers, tomatoes and lettuce which they thought was delicious. Before we left the garden the students helped plant daffodil bulbs which will appear in the spring.
After lunch, we met different animals that lived on the farm such as cows, pigs, chickens and goats. It is important that the animals get exercise, so the students helped walk the ponies. Using lead ropes they led them along a track to a grassy verge where they stopped for a snack.
The students had a brilliant time and will be sharing all they have learnt in their class assembly.