O project week - Day 2
This week the students in middle school are taking part in a project week exploring Barnstaple, and it's local community and history.
Each class have done a blog post, so here is what each class has been up to...
Today we went to Barnstaple on a historical walk, we started at the clock, and we saw Prince Albert and went to the fountain. Then we went under the bridge, it was quite dark and eco-eco! After we saw the sundial. Then we saw Mr Casey, he told us the boats showed up at Barnstaple. We saw a sign on the wall that said ‘school’. We then saw the Panier Market but we couldn’t go in because there was workmen in there. People were selling flowers on Butchers Row. We saw the hill, where the castle used to be, that where we saw the Knight Sir Joel on the hill, he told us about the castle water and taxes. He could look out and keep an eye on the peasants and they have to pay taxes. He can also watch the water and the ships coming in. After this we went to see the Arms House, we saw bullets in the door!
We enjoyed having our lunch at the park and we had a play! Nathan said he liked going to the park. Reece liked going on the zipwire. Kyle going on all the equipment at the park. Neil liked the spinny thing.
Tamar Class was told that they would take part in an enactment of an actual trial that took place at the Barnstaple Guildhall 172 years ago. After receiving this information, they organised themselves into different acting roles and what lines they would have to say.
As a class, we then made the warm morning walk down to the Guildhall and were welcomed at the door by two local historians who took us up to the courtroom and gave us some information on the history of the laws and punishments they had in place 172 years ago.
After this information, we were then asked to sit where our chosen characters sat all those years ago and proceeded to act out our parts. Roles were convincingly played out and the jury had the opportunity to discuss the trial and come up with the decision that the suspects were guilty, guilty, Guilty!
Tamar then walked to Rock Park and took the opportunity to have the lunch in the shade, play on the equipment and play some football and/or basketball before walking back to school.
Today Barle walked to the Guild Hall. A lady called Lucy let us in, we walked up some stairs which lead to the court room. She talked about how the trials took place in the 1800’s, and how the defendants were punished if found guilty. Then we guessed the object inside the box which was a gavel. We then acted out how a trial would look back in the past, we all had a role to play. I liked looking at the old paintings. If the person in the painting is wearing a red robe, it means they were a mayor. My favourite part of the day was playing the role of the judge and using the gavel.
We met Frances Bell and we planted flowers. We took out any dead leaves and pulled up weeds first.
Then we planted the plants and watered them. And then we sat down and talked about the morning. We played in the park after lunch and played basketball and football.
We went on a digital scavenger hunt. I found daisies first outside of school. We walked past a church and saw all the gravestones. We went to the town centre. We were trying to take the best photos. We went down the cobble stone alley.
We saw a guy doing tricks. He was juggling. We took pictures of the toy shop. We found the statues of fish and an otter. We also saw some fish in the river.
I played football with Brendan in the park and we went on the zip line and swings.
We went on a digital scavenger hunt. On the hunt we had to take photographs of a things from a list. Some things I recognised and some I didn’t. I found a bin and a statue of an otter really quickly. Mrs Adam and Mr Heath pointed out the fish lamp post, there were 6 that we saw along the river. We found graffiti under the subway and the old bridge plaque. Mrs Adam told us all about the Tome Stone where people would put money down if they wanted to buy something from the boats. We went to Green Lanes and I saw the pictures all about Barnstaple. We went back to the Almshouse and saw the door with musket holes. After, we played in the park and had lunch