Let's Talk Teenagers - FREE WEBINARS!!!

Let’s Talk Teenagers is an online series of free webinars starting this month, aiming to help parents and carers understand and support their pre-teens and teenagers to navigate the challenges they might face as they grow up in today’s world.
‘Let’s Talk Teenagers’ is a three part webinar for parents and carers of teenagers or pre-teens. The sessions cover different subject areas starting with communities and family life (March 8) and followed by respectful relationships (March 15) and building stronger families (March 22), all at 7pm. Further information can be found at : Free webinars to help parents and carers of teenagers or pre-teens - News (devon.gov.uk) These events are FREE to attend - Click here to book your place.
These free sessions are the result of a Devon partnership of professionals and local networks that work together to keep children and young people safe, support parents who are struggling and reduce crime and antisocial behaviour. The course is delivered by parenting experts Emma Stephens and Chloe Hosegrove from the Safety and Resilience Consultancy.
Why not book your place now?