Spring Term Parents Evening

We are holding our first Parents’ Evening for this academic year on Tuesday 16th January 2024.
This meeting is very important as it gives you an opportunity to talk to your child’s tutor and discuss how your child is getting on in school and to work together to set their Personal Learning Goals for the Spring Term.
These Personal Learning Goals are linked to your child’s Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and help your child make progress towards these outcomes. We believe that these discussions with you are very worthwhile, so we have allowed 20 minutes for each appointment. We have endeavoured to offer appointments across a range of times in order to try to give you as much choice as possible. We are offering three types of appointment to be as flexible as possible to each family’s circumstance:
Option 1: face to face meeting on site.
Option 2: a telephone appointment.
Option 3: a virtual meeting via Teams.
If your appointment is a face to face meeting and before 4.30 we are able to keep your child in school.
Please could you complete the slip on the letter we have sent home and return it to your child’s tutor by Tuesday 9th January 2024. We will then confirm your appointment time by Friday 12th January.
If you didn't receive a letter please email admin@lampard.devon.sch.uk