Approaches & Therapies
Specialist Provision & Therapies
Speech & Language Therapy
We have a Speech & Language therapist linked to the school who oversees a caseload. This service is provided by Devon Children and Family Health. Therapists work in ‘episodes of care’ where there are difficulties present that impact on daily function. The therapist also spends time in classes helping staff to develop the environment to meet the students’ needs.
In addition, we have staff who deliver Language interventions such as TalkBoost and Language for Development. Our interventions are targeted through 1:1, paired and group works. This is provided through our daily personal programmes. Speech & Language targets outlined by therapists are also supported through in class provision.
Linked Therapist: Tracey Fowler
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy services are provided by Devon Children and Family Health. We have support staff who can deliver interventions to support fine motor and gross motor skills and sensory integration. Interventions are delivered through a variety of 1:1 and group works. Some sessions may focus on self-care and independence skills whereas others may focus on handwriting. Interventions can include Writedance (pre handwriting skills), High Five, Bikeability and Funfit. We also run FunFit groups where identified and it forms part of our PE curriculum.
Health services
Our school nurse services are provided by the NHS. We also work closely with the Bowel and Bladder service nurses, Epilepsy Nursing Team, Immunisation team and Learning Disability nurses.
Links with other agencies
We have very close links with other agencies such as children’s physiotherapy services who run clinics in school once a term and the School Health team who regularly come into school for health clinics. We also work very closely with the Children with Disabilities team and CAMHS.
Linked Physiotherapist: Lucy Wills
Our Education Welfare Officer is Amy Lambert and our Educational Psychologist is Dr Andrew Eaton. These services are provided by Babcock Learning and Development Partnership.
Educational Psychologist: Cath Murch
Attendance Inclusion Officer (formerly EWO): Amy Lambert
Our Care & Safeguarding team can offer family liaison and signposting to specialist services.
Links with other agencies
We have very close links with other agencies such as children’s physiotherapy services who run clinics in school and the School Health team who regularly come into school for health clinics. We also work very closely with the Children with Disabilities team in Integrated Children’s Services (based at Springfield Court).
Approaches & Interventions
Sensory Integration
Sensory Integration has lots of benefits for children with complex needs. We have a dedicated therapy space and equipment such as a mobile swing with different platforms, scooter boards and gym equipment in which students can meet their sensory needs. We also have access to equipment for use in the classroom and around school.
Total Communication Approach
We adopt a ‘Total Communication Approach’ throughout school, using symbols and Makaton to support communication skills. We use lots of visual strategies around school such as visual schedules, objects of reference and communication books to help students to develop their skills.
Some of our classes are ‘TEACCH’ based. TEACCH is an approach that benefits children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and focuses on structured teaching and an adapted environment increasing independence in learning.
Social Communication
Throughout school we model positive social communication through our relationships with students. This is also supported by the style of learning and teaching in the classroom. For those with a particular difficulty with social communication, we run small groups that support students to learn these vital skills. We have staff who can deliver social communication groups.
We also offer THRIVE sessions for students to support emotional management and behaviour support. This is either individual or group work and links closely with the Social Communication groups. We also offer interventions that focus more on creative and sensory play. This can be on an individual or group basis.
10 a Day – Early Help 4 Mental Health
We follow the EH4MH ’10 a day’ programme for supporting children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health. We have a school Mental Health Strategy that outlines all the different ways we support our student’s wellbeing.
If you are interested in finding out more about any of these approaches or services, please contact the school.
Arts Therapies
Arts Therapies are provided at the school through a partnership with Chroma. These therapies offer students a confidential space in which they can be supported to work towards achieving positive outcomes. This is usually in relation to students’ social, emotional and mental health needs where they can be supported to express and explore their feelings and experiences through creative means, in a way that is not dependent on words.