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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School

First Aid and Illness


If your child becomes ill during the school day, you will be contacted as soon as possible to take your child home.

Accidents and Emergencies

The school is able to give first aid for minor accidents. In the event of a more serious accident or emergency happening, parents will be contacted as soon as possible and appropriate medical attention sought as necessary.


Staff are prepared to administer a medicine provided:

  1. The medicine has been prescribed by a GP or hospital
  2. It arrives at school in its original dispensed container
  3. The medicine is handed directly into the school office
  4. The appropriate form about the medication has been completed by the parent (forms are available from the School Administrator)

Under no circumstances can staff give aspirin or ibuprofen to your child unless it is prescribed by a GP. 

If your child suffers from asthma please make staff aware and obtain an inhaler for use in school as needed.


If you have any questions regarding vaccinations please contact the School Age Immunisation Team on 0300247 0082 or email

The Immunisation team can assist with any vaccination questions including clinic dates and locations if your child has missed a vaccination, or to simply check that your child’s vaccinations are all up to date.