School Council
The School Council is an important part of life at Lampard. It is run by our Assistant Head Teacher, Mrs Norris.
School Council is the students’ voice for change and gives students a say in some major decisions made at school. The School Council works across the Lower, Middle and Upper Phases in order to give a whole school representation.
One school council member is chosen from every class, elected by their fellow students.
A Chair and Vice Chair are elected from Upper School, to take a lead on running the meetings (with support when needed).
The School Council meet at least twice each term to discuss whole school initiatives linked to the School Development Plan. The Chair and Vice Chair of the School Council then feedback any decisions made to the Senior Leadership Team and these decisions are incorporated into future plans.
Ways in which the School Council has recently helped to shape our School:
- The School Council have been involved in the recruitment process of new members of staff by taking part in the interview process.
- School Council members have audited our school dinners’ quality and made some changes.
- The School Council have reviewed the School PE Kit and stated their preference of colour.
- The students have contributed to plans for developing our playgrounds.
- They have asked for a Friendship Bench, which has now been purchased and sited in the junior playground.
- They have also led in planning lunchtime clubs and activities based on the student’s interests.
We also have four students who are part of Devon's ‘Champions for Change‘ who work with the Local Authority on developing the Devon Engagement Strategy.
We recently got to taste new dishes and choose what we would add to our menu! Yum!