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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School

School Day

General Information

Our doors open at 9:00am. Please note there is no staff supervision outside before 8:45am. School starts at 9:00am and ends at 3:15pm, with a one-hour break for lunch, at different times according to which Phase your child is in. During the morning all students have a 10-minute session of Daily Physical Activity (DPA) and a 15-minute break.

Many students arrive at school on School Transport. This is arranged for through the School Transport Team at Exeter. If you have any problems concerning school transport or if, for any reason, your child is late arriving home, the emergency telephone number is 0345 155 1019.

If students have permission from parents and the school to ride their bicycles to school, these should be locked up during the day on the cycle rack.  It is parents’ responsibility to ensure cycles are roadworthy and students wear a helmet. Under certain circumstances older children are allowed to ride mopeds. Please see the school website for Student Use of Bicycles and Mopeds Policy.
Students are not permitted to leave the school premises during the school day unless special permission has been obtained from parents.

Attendance at school is very important. However, if it is necessary to keep your child at home due to illness or any other reason, please telephone the school office on the first day of absence. There is someone in the office from 8:30am until 4:00pm each day. The telephone number is 01271 345416.

The switchboard closes at 4:00pm and will switch to our out of hours services. This gives you the opportunity to leave a message or if you know the member of staff's extension number you can key that in to be put through to their phone. If your query is urgent, press option 4. This will put your call through to senior staff phones or to the Head Teacher's mobile. We would appreciate it if you only use this in an emergency.

Family holidays should be avoided during term time, however, if it is unavoidable, parents and carers are asked to complete a holiday form in advance of booking the holiday. These are available from the school office. Permission is granted at the Head Teacher's discretion.


You can expect us to:

  • Provide your child with learning experiences tailored to their individual need (in line with the learning objectives in their EHCP).
  • With consultation, set targets for your child; these should be realistic, achievable and challenging.
  • Encourage your child to behave towards others in an acceptable, appropriate manner.
  • Inform you of your child’s progress through parents’ evenings and reviews.
  • Communicate with you regularly through the home/school book, regular newsletters and phone calls (where necessary).
  • Work with you, in line with our behaviour policy, to address any individual behaviour difficulties.
  • Provide a happy, secure, stimulating learning environment.

We expect you to:

  • Ensure your child attends school regularly.
  • Contact school when your child is unwell/not attending for any reason.
  • Support your child’s development, particularly by reading with them at home on a regular basis.
  • Reinforce attitudes and behaviours that encourage good citizenship and agreeable relationships with others.

We expect your child to:

  • Attend school regularly.
  • Adhere to the uniform code.
  • Work hard.
  • Treat others and belongings with respect.
  • Most important of all, enjoy their time with us at Lampard!