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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School

Your Views

We really value the contributions, input and feedback from all our stakeholders, in particular parents, carers and students.

Parents View is a quick and easy way for you to complete and online survey, each year. If you would like some IT support for this, please contact the school office. To complete this survey, please click on the link below.

Parent Views Survey

Every year we survey students, parents, carers, staff and governors to gather views about how well the school is doing and to identify priorities for the future.

Thanks to all the parents who completed the form in the summer and also at the October parents evening. You have given us very good feedback about the school, which we have included in our discussions about the School Development Plan. Your responses were so positive and parents were very pleased with the work the school is doing.

Lampard Community School Parent Questionnaire - April 2021 Responses

Statements: Strongly
Agree Neither agree
nor disagree
Disagree Strongly
My child enjoys coming to school 21 6 2 0 0
My child is safe at school 23 5 0 1 0
The school understands my child's individual needs 24 5 0 0 0
My child is taught well at school 22 6 1 0 0
My child is making good progress 18 9 2 0 0
My child is developing in confidence 17 11 0 0 0
I receive valuable information from the school on my child's progress 19 9 0 0 1
I know who to talk to at the school if i am worried  21 7 1 0 0
The school responds well when i raise concerns 20 8 1 0 0
The standard of behaviour is good at Lampard 17 11 1 0 0
The school deals with incidents of bullying effectively 15 10 4 0 0
My child is encouraged to be as independent as possible 20 9 0 0 0
Lampard is well led and managed 22 7 0 0 0
There is good communication between home and school 22 6 0 1 0
I would recommend Lampard to another family 24 5 0 0 0


93% of parents /carers responding agree or strongly agree that their child enjoys coming to school.

96.5% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that their child is safe at school.

100% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that the school understand their child’s individual needs.

96.5% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that their child is taught well at school.

93% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that their child is making good progress.

96.5% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that their child is developing in confidence.

96.5% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that they receive valuable information from the school about their child’s progress.

96.5% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that they know who to talk to at school if they are worried.

96.5% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that the school responds well when they raise concerns.

96.5% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that the standard of behaviour at Lampard is good.

86.5% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that the school deals with incidents of bullying effectively*

100% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that their child is encouraged to be as independent as possible.

100% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that Lampard is well led and managed.

96.5% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that there is good communication between home and school.

100% of parents/carers responding agree or strongly agree that they would recommend Lampard to another family.

*14.5% parents/carers commented that they have not had experience of this so recorded neither agree/nor disagree which reduced the percentage.

General Comments from Parents/Carers

  • Brilliant school & staff.
  • Lampard is Fantastic!
  • Lampard is an amazing school.
  • Nothing but praise for the setting. Thank you.
  • Lampard is perfect, the best school for my son.
  • Love it.
  • Well done keep up the good work.
  • Overall brilliant school, very pleased with the support Lampard is giving my child.
  • As a whole you all do an amazing job, you all coped with the extra demand of getting work sent home and collected. The teacher calls were great each week and so helpful. Keep up the good work.
  • No, very happy.
  • Overall very pleased.
  • Without the home/school books going back and forth at present, that is a missing link. Contacting by phone or email is often unnecessary for the minor things you may want to put in their books.
  • I'm thrilled at how our son has grown and it's all down to the school.
  • All great thank you.
  • My child is very happy in school I have not had any problems with going to school which I have had in past schools. Lampard is the best school for my child and have brought him a long way from primary and I'm very happy with that and thankful to all at Lampard.
  • I'm very happy with Lampard school and I know when I drop my kids off in the morning they are safe and I don't worry about their welfare. Thanks for that, as a parent with children with special needs this means a great deal. 

Covid Related Questions  

Statements: Excellent Very Good Good  Fair Poor
How have you found the communication between school & home during the Pandemic? 76% 17% 3.5% 3.5% 0%
How would you rate the personalised Home Learning Packs you received during the Pandemic? 55% 34.5% 7% 3.5% 0%
How useful did you find the weekly calls during the Pandemic?







If you answered no, can you tell us why?

No responses 

Did you make use of the telephone support from your chilld's teaching assistant in the last lockdown? 72.5% 14% 10% 3.5% 0%

If you answered no, can you tell us why?

My issues were sorted by email direct to the teacher

Did your child engage in any other learning in the last lockdown?







If yes, what programmes did they enjoy engaging with most?

  • We did some mymaths on the tablet
  • Mymaths, Discovery espresso
  • Lexia, mymaths and we watched the Lampard assemblies
  • Maths

If no, can you tell us why?

  • My child was in school this time around
  • At the time our Internet was dire, which caused frustration and he preferred to work on paper 


How do you think we could improve our remote education offer should we find ourselves in lock down situation again and/or for those children who need to self isolate?

  • Nothing 
  • Making sure the parents understand what the child has to do and explain
  • Maybe virtual teaching like other schools
  • I think everything you did for the child was amazing, I would say for it to be more personal packs from child to child rather than class packs as some struggled with this more at home. The English Lexia we couldn't access as we don't have ipads at home, so an online English task which andriod tablets can access
  • N/A
  • Personally the provision that was given during the lockdown was satisfactory for my child
  • The packs were amazing and the fact that the teachers personally delivered them instead of them arriving in the post meant so much to us
  • I'm not sure you can, everything was given to us for what we needed even down to a pencil which was great
  • More variety of subjects


Stakeholder Data Cycle

Annually (Summer Term)

Stakeholder Date When
Staff Visioning Activity Every three years 
Governing Body Visioning Activity Every three years 
Parent/Carer Visioning Activity Annually to be collated from Annual Reviews 
School Council Activity One per term 
Annual Review Parents/Carers Views Annually (September-July)
Parent/Carers evening feedback Annually (Summer Term)
Parent/Carer Survey Annually (Spring Term)
Staff Survey Annually (Spring Term)
Governor Audit Annually
Ofsted Parent View At every parent/carer event (Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms)