O project week- Day 3
As you know we are learning about our local community and it's history. Here's a round up from day 3........
We went on a super long walk to town. We went to the court in Barnstaple at the Guild Hall.
We had a lot of different roles. There was a Judge and Jury, prosecutor, a suspect and witnesses. We acted out the crime from 172 years ago from 1852.
The Jury found them guilty, and they were sent to Australia for 10 years.
We had a look around the treasure room and we listened to a story about a man who stored his treasure on Lundy.
We had a picnic in the park and walked back to school.
Today we walked to Barnstaple and did a treasure hunt. We had pictures on a list that we had to find, we used an iPad to take photos and took it in turns to do it. We also went and found some of our favourite shops, they were, CEX, Primark, a bakery and tick tock.
Mrs Hutton showed us where she used to go to school along time ago in 1963! We walked back to Rock park to have a play and eat our lunch. Once we walked back to school we had an ice lolly from Mr Klingenberg, it was yummy.
Today, Tamar class were given the opportunity to plant some vegetables in the planters on Barnstaple Square. We were welcomed to the square by Frances and Rosie and shown what we were going to plant and where we were going to plant it.
We were also shown the areas where we were gong to weed and tidy up, what to look for when weeding and what to leave in the ground.
First, Tamar class had a go at the planting of the vegetables. We planted tomato plants, carrots and chard. Everyone in the class had a chance to dig out the soil to make space for the plant to be planted into and watering the plant.
Next, Tamar walked around the green areas of the square pulling out the weeds and tidying up the unkept areas. Tamar class worked hard and even had plenty of time to take a few drinks breaks whilst completing these tasks in the lovely weather.
After this, Tamar walked to Rock Park to find a shaded spot to have lunch and also had time to use the play equipment after they had eaten.
We found out the clock tower was called Albert but known now as the four faced liar. We walked through a subway. We found out about castle mound and that it was given to a family. We saw a fountain and the mayor had got angry and threw some alcohol in. There were fish in the river as we walked. We saw the Almes houses built 350 years ago.
Today Barle class walked into Barnstaple and met some volunteers from Barnstaple town council. They had some jobs for us to help with. First we took out all the weeds from around the trees and around the fountain. Everyone put their hands in the water as it was so hot!
We then planted some plants into big planters, but not flowers. We planted carrots, chard and tomatoes. These vegetables will be good for people who cannot buy them from a shop or grow them at home. Dan loved planting and even reached up to plant the high tub.
When we had finished, we walked back to Rock Park for lunch. My favourite part of today was playing football at the park.
By Harry
We went to the Guildhall. Lucy and Sadie met us. They took us upstairs to the main chamber. They told us that the punishments for theft was to be sent to Australia. Some of the students in Lyn played the roles in a trial that really happened nearly 200 years ago. There were lawyers, defendants, victims, witnesses and a judge. The Jury decided that the defendants were guilty of stealing £1 of leather, this was the same outcome as the real trial. After the trial we saw the Doderidge room and Lucy told us about a ship captain who was in charge of shipping criminals to Australia and getting paid for it but he would sail the convicts to Lundy island instead and came back a few months later to be paid. Afterwards we went to have lunch in rock park and have ice lollies back at school